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Search our other baby names by theme pages here. Also browse by alphabet here, or browse our baby names by origin pages here.
- Barry Spear (Irish)
- Blake Pale Or Dark (English)
- Boyd Blond Or From Bute (Scottish Gaelic)
- Brady Broad Eyes (English)
- Brett From Brittany (English)
- Cade Round (English)
- Cambell Crooked Mouth (Scottish Gaelic)
- Cameron Crooked Nose (Scottish Gaelic)
- Chance Lucky (English)
- Cody Helpful (Irish)
- Cole Dark (English)
- Curtis Courteous (English)
- Dana Danish (English)
- Darcy Dark One (Irish)
- Desmond From South Munster (Irish)
- Drew Skillfull (English)
- Franklin Free Man (English)
- Grady Noble (Irish)
- Grant Tall (Scottish/Norman)
- Kelley Slender Or Visitor Of Churches (Irish)
- Kelly Slender Or Visitor Of Churches (Irish)
- Kennedy Ugly Head (Irish)
- Meredith Lord (Welsh)
- Ross Redhead (Scottish/Norman)
- Scott Scottish (English)
- Sullivan Dark Eyes (Irish)
- Tate Cheerful (English)
- Todd Fox (English)
- Truman True Man (English)
- Vaughan Little (Welsh)
- Wallace Welsh (Scottish/Norman)
- Wendell Wend (English)
- Wynne Friend (English)
- Wynne White (Welsh)